Embase Database Reload Complete

Embase for Ovid logoThe Embase (EMED) database reload is now complete and Embase is reloaded with the Emtree 2020.01 Thesaurus Tool. You can find information about the changes in the reload news section of the database guide:


Please note that Elsevier is expanding Emtree to cover Coronavirus-related vocabulary. You can retrieve results for these records with the following search for Embase on Ovid:
(coronavirus disease 2019 or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2).sh,dj

In addition to the work for Ovid MEDLINE,  the Covid-19 limit for Embase has now been implemented and can be used on both databases. The exact search syntax for this limit is documented in the Embase database guide under “Special Ovid filters for Embase”:


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