INFO: Easy access to Springer Protocols for Life Scientists


We now have ready access to the Springer Protocols material covering 1980 – 2012 through a purchase made by Jisc on behalf of the UK higher eduction sector. Until recently you would find the Protocols from within the SpringerLink site but individual records have now been switched on in Primo and the catalogue making them much more discoverable.

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Springer’s description of the Protocols:

“Used primarily in the life sciences, protocols provide individual sets of instructions to allow scientists to recreate experiments in their own laboratories. These documents provide written procedural methods in the design and implementation of experiments that describe the safety, bias, procedures, equipment, statistical methods, reporting, and troubleshooting standards to be used in order to successfully conduct the experiment.

SpringerProtocols combines the world’s largest collection of protocols with advanced search functionality. Each protocol is templated into four sections—Introduction, Materials, Methods, Notes—so that information will always be exactly where you expect to find…

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